I did find a few new tools that I just had to have but had not ordered them yet. As I often do I did put them all in my "Shopping Cart" then at the checkout - I hit the Print Screen button and then pasted it into an email to myself with the subject line called WISH LIST.... does anyone else send themselves emails I wonder? lol
Anyway, fast forward to this week... Monday I got a phone call from my friend Quiltaholic saying she would be refunding my Circle of Friends Retreat $75 deposit via paypal and needed my email that I use on that....
Then today on facebook news feed - b/c I'm a fan of them on facebook - you can find them HERE. I saw this and knew that today was the day to ORDER!
Quilting Deals
Whooo hooo! Civil War Charms! 42 of them!!! I can't wait! What else did I order you ask...? Well you'll have to wait and see. ;)
Oh - and one more thing before I go.... since they change their deal of the day each night at midnight - and it will be gone before you might see it - I have to share with you their poem, Dr. Seuss style in celebration of his birthday today! :) Cute isn't it...
Also any of you with kids or grands, be sure and check out the PBSkids.org page for The Cat in the Hat Show!The Grinch Who Hated Quilting
Then he growled, with his Grinch fingers nervously drumming,
"I must find some way to keep the Daily Deal from coming!
For, tomorrow, I know all the quilting ladies will squeal,
Will wake bright and early. They'll rush for the deal!
And then! Oh, the noise! Oh, the noise! Noise! Noise! Noise!
There's one thing I hate! All the NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE!
And they'll shriek squeaks and squeals, racing 'round with their deals.
They'll make endless pinwheels, of blues, greens and teals.
They'll cut fabric from Lila Tueller, with their half-hexi rulers.
And they use layer cakes, to make Dresden Plates.
They'll get the irresistible itch to stitch in the ditch.
Their sewing machines will hum, thimbles adorning their thumbs,
And they'll be noisy women chatting,
About their precious backing and batting!
And they won’t stop to relax because they still have charm packs,
And they all like to use their fabric to the max.
Then the quilting Whos, young and old, will sit with fabric stacked to the hilt.
And they'll quilt! And they'll quilt! And they'll QUILT! QUILT! QUILT! QUILT!
March 2nd is Dr. Seuss Day (and his birthday), and so I thought I’d honor him and his timeless books with a quilting rendition of the Grinch. Although I didn’t parody the entire story, I think you can all guess how it ends though; the ladies make a lovely quilt for the Grinch and his heart grows three sizes in one day. Now he’s so into quilting that him and his dog Max run a guild in his cave 10,000 feet up Mount Crumpit (it still holds the record for the quilt guild at the highest altitude!)
We hope you love Dr. Seuss as much as we do, and as much as you’ll love today’s daily deal – one Civil War Reunion charm pack by Barbara Brackman for only $3.55 (62% off). Includes 42 5”x5” squares of rich fabric.
Love from Texas!
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