So yesterday I met up with Jill, Heidi and Beverly and several other women from their church... we all brought our sewing machines..... only I didn't really accomplish much.

The book above, Errand of Angels, was a gift to me from Heidi. It has beautiful illustrations and lots of Mom Moments poems and quotes. Sorta reminds me of what we were working on as a group yesterday - errands of angels in a way... as everything being made will be donated and sent to The Emmazing Grace Foundation.

Beautiful gift and I love what she wrote to me inside the cover. Can you click on it and read it? I hope so. Heidi is one of the most caring and generous people I've ever had the privilege to call a friend. I love her so much! ;)
So today when the twins napped, I got my machine back to working - minus the light bulb.. urgh -but at least the tension is right now. ;)

In just a couple hours I turned the little fabric pieces into these little mini quilts. And I have enough fabric to probably make 2 more of the same. Lots of prayer and thoughts of love and hope for healing are being worked into these treasures. I will never know the mothers to receive these gifts but hope that they find comfort somehow in knowing that other mothers cared enough to make and share a part of their hearts with them and send to them during this part of their lives.
I can not image what it would be like to experience the loss of a child, much less a newborn. I've known two friends who have suffered such a loss. I really admire each of them for their strength to find a way to pick up the pieces and hold on to their memories of their angels. Somehow both of them have had their faith strengthened and they share freely about their child they lost.. and I'm grateful that they have both shared their testimony with me.
If you have ever known a friend who has lost a child and you are a quilter.. would you consider making a small mini quilt to send in to the Emmazing Grace Foundation? Donations can be mailed to: Emmazing Grace Foundation, 4815 Tabby Stone Drive, Cumming, GA 30028.
Of course if you have questions please feel free to send an email. thanks.