Monday, December 17, 2007
Stash Sunday Report on Monday
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
More than anything I'd love a photo of ALL five of us... to go into a frame ornament that says 2007 "Our Family" from Hallmark. We have so many ornaments of David, Nora and I but I really want a new one with all of us! How in the world will we ever be able to capture a family photo before the Christmas tree comes down is beyond me... oh wait, I know maybe while David's mom is visiting she can take a few snapshots and hopefully we can get something to put int he ornament. She and our niece are coming the day after Christmas and staying thru New Year's. :c) (which will be here sooner than we think!)
Merry Christmas from Texas!!! ~Bonnie
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
HGTV Christmas Raffle Quilt - We have a winner!

The quilters met that morning, for breakfast and a break,
oh, were was I...oh yes...




He stirred and stirred till he got just the right one,



"She won! She won!! We all exclaimed!

and now a few words/post from our winner - "Yahoooo! I have never won anything ! it is sooo beautiful and for such a good cause! And i am just tickled! I got a phone call this afternoon..and it was therica, and i thought she just called to let me know she was heading to her mom's..and then she said,"listen to this! And a whole bunch of women..(maybe fireman too yelled "CONGRATULATIONS! I was so totally shocked! and i was just taking some monkey bread out of the oven..and taste testing it , when she told me...then she said.."be careful what you say, it's being recorded! oh my, can't wait to hear what i said with a mouth full of sticky ,gooey,monkey bread! Thank you sooo much! can't wait to get her in my hands and look at all the beautiful stitches, and all the wonderfully put together blocks! Thank you..thank you ..Thank you!
Quiltaholic just called, (she is an hour away from the hospital, in alabama) and told me she was only joking about recording me! thank goodness! Thank you every one..for donating the blocks for such a worthy cause! Thank you...from the bottom of my heart!
Now, wasn't that fun to read??? I am so happy to be part of such a great group of quilters! I am looking forward to meeting several of the board members in Houston next Spring for the "Circle of Friends Retreat."
I am sure after Quiltaholic gets back from 'bamma she will post and share the progress of the Christmas shopping for the kids and everything purchased with the proceeds of the raffle. $1480! WOW!!! Thanks to everyone who made this happen!!!
PS- Quiltaholic just stared her own blog... be sure to check her out and drop her a line telling her you read all about it here ;) ~bonnie