One of my most favorite blogs is JudyL's where almost daily she shares what it is she's currently working on. But she shares more than just digital photos... she provides graphs and photos that she creates using her computer software called EQ (aka Electronic Quilt) It's really cool!

Earlier this month, Judy was recently featured over at the EQ blog as a poster sharing tips on how she goes about crating a quilt with their software. Click the quote below to take you to her post over there to see the project she shared. ;)
Judy has just started a new series of illustrated “how EQ6 designs developed” blog posts full of great design ideas.
Well Sunday night as I sat down with my laptop after the kids were to bed, the first blog I visited was JudyL's. There I read where she had just shared on her blog about the newest edition of EQ7 will soon be released....and she provided a link to where she has it for sale (10% off) that had even more details of what this newer version can do.
I've always dreamed of what it might be like to have such a program - to create and make my own quilt patterns and designs - to play with colors and patterns ect... no more graph paper....but never have I ever thought I could justify such a cost as a stay at home mom who quilting is just a hobby...
But because it sounded so great, I just had to share the news with David. Did you know that the latest version 7 will allow you to take digital photos of your own fabric at home and use in your EQ project!!! - I patiently waited for the next TV commercial.... and read the announcement to him from JudyL's blog.
His reply was sort and sweet. Two words - HOW MUCH? and I told him... he said, "That's not as bad as I thought."
Hummm what does that mean?? He didn't say buy it - or ask how bad do I really want it... guess I'll just have to dream on right?
Mother's Day is coming up soon, but I won't hold my breath on that one. In the past I've been known to cut out photos from magazines, or sales adds and put 3-4 on taped to the bathroom mirror so he'll see and get some hints and he never has followed thru on that - so I really don't think mentioning it out loud will help him remember either. :P
Oh well. It is fun to dream right ;)
However CLICK HERE and take a look at what I read about today!!!
Someone's Dreams really ARE gonna come TRUE!

There's going to be a drawing - and 10 lucky people are gonna get to host a give-away on their blogs and both them and their blog-give-away winners will each get a copy of the Latest and Greatest EQ7 Software!!!
10 winners will be randomly chosen on May 3rd. If you are chosen, you then determine a contest and submit your contest winner’s contact information to We will ship your EQ7 prize directly to your winner.
Looks like I better get to thinking about what kind of blog-give-away I'm gonna be hosting soon - becasue I am just sure they are gonna draw my name!!! ;)
Love from Texas!