Guess who found the local Goodwill Store here in Indiana last Friday?? The kids were all at school so I had lots of time to browse the isles! :)
I also discovered that there is a Hancock's Fabric Store in the neighboring town so yesterday after church, we ate out close to there and after we were done, David stayed in the van with the kids while I got to go in and take a look around and get signed up for their mailing list. Thread was 50% off so I picked up two spools of a neutral color. That's what I use the most of.
Also I scored Quiltmaker's latest issue of 100 Blocks!! Good thing since I've not seen it in the grocery stores and I didn't win a copy during their bloghop. They also had brochure flyers by the check out for "Quilter's Day Out" coming up in March. I'll have to plan to go to that for sure!!
So last night just before bath time for the kids, I ran to the basement and turned on the space heater so that after the kids were in bed, I'd have a warm and cozy room to go to and spend some time cutting and sewing. :) While listening to the weekly top 40 Country Countdown I cut up about a dozen shirts and spent some time sewing my Hand-Me-Down blocks into rows.
It's growing and growing and takes up almost the whole floor in my sewing room right now before borders.... but oddly according to
Bonnie Hunter's photo she used twice as many blocks in hers! Her rows are 9x9 and then big borders. Not sure yet if I'll make this one big enough for my king sized bed or what?? I do still need a few more blocks either way... so I guess I'll just wait and see. On the design wall are 2.5" strips for the next block in progress.
Head over to JudyL's website to see what other quilters are working on and have shared with her
Design Wall Monday Mr. Linky. It's my favorite place to visit each Monday. :)
In other news:

Did you notice all those bobbins in the above photos? They arrived Saturday in the mailbox. I found them on ebay for $0.69 each! SO I bought 40. That should be enough for a while so that I can now start playing with my new bobbin winder that David gave me for Christmas.
I did a lot of reading and researching before buying and I'm pretty sure they will fit my Bernina machine. If you are interested in buying bobbins
HERE'S the LINK to where I purchased them on ebay.
And speaking of GREAT deals!! For Christmas,
David bought the Side Winder from and only paid $18.00!! At first he told me that he'd called JoAnn's and the girl on the phone quoted him a price close to $100 dollars!!?? What? So that sent me to the computer to google and find out who had it for the cheapest price. And the funny thing is, our Walmart doesn't even have a sewing department any longer... but we did the "in store pick up" and received an email telling us when it was available to be picked up and all David had to do was go to Customer Service and it was there waiting for him. So easy!
Now that I have the Sidewinder and a good supply of bobbins, next on the wish list is one of these:
I did a
price comparison search here and the cheapest price I found was $10.41 Since Valentine's Day is next on the calendar... I better find out how to email cupid! ;)
Love from Indiana!