More minis are here! and soon... I think my mail lady will leave me a USPS crate full of packages b/c there are still over a dozen swappers who have mailed... and most of them mailed on Monday of this week... :) so boy won't that be like Christmas getting so many packages all at once! :)
waytogojb's minis arrived today - she sent in 11 sets. 10 to swap and 1 set for me!!! WHOO HOO! I always get excited when swappers include some extra leftovers for me... but a whole set! That is only the 2nd time anyone has done that for me!!! and this round is appreciated more than you know b/c of the evacuating back and forth I haven't had a lot of time to work on my own. I'll be lucky if I get my 4th set completed. (((and I had strips cut for a total of 8 sets but have misplaced parts -hopefully I can find them before our Potluck/makeup swap in '09)))
Love from Texas!
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