

Monday, December 21, 2009

#19 - Mistletoe & Holly

#19 Mistletoe & Holly... humm I wonder if there is a sprig of Mistletoe inside??? I think my readers would find it interesting that when before we were married, my hubby and I both went to Western Kentucky University and there were a couple trees spread out on campus that had mistletoe growing in them year round and every time David and I drove under one of them on the main streets that we used everyday - we always leaned over and kissed as we passed under :) Awwww :)

That seems so forever ago.

Aren't these cute? I have no idea when they will get used as I do much entertaining now that I'm a mom... but one year we just might start having get togethers again??? so until then, I'll store these in the bottom of the china hutch with my other holiday/birthday decorations and use or regift maybe? Hey, I know what you are thinking - but Shawkl gave me permission! :P and so far this is the only thing that I've even remotely thought about - but my girlfriend that I am thinking would like these entertains alllll the time - and she looooove martinis - so these remind me of her :) plus she has these cute acrylic coasters that you slide a cocktail napkin into to use... and my friend loves to change them out for every occasion and season..

Love from Kentucky!


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