

Monday, June 6, 2011

Our new Build-A-Bear Friends!

I guess I'm as close as I can get to being 100% certified CRAZY MOM!  

What qualifies me as that you ask?  Well lets just say we celebrated the twins' Birthday Saturday and Nora's too... and we spent about 3 hours at Chuck-E-Cheese followed by a trip to the mall to go to Build-A-Bear! 

Yes, you read that right.  Both places. Same day.
A couple weeks ago, Mamaw & Papaw sent digital counter piggy banks to each of the kids with $20 included in each and they've since been busy around the house doing chores to earn a nickle.  I'm loving it b/c they are always ready to help!!!  I had promised them if they got to $10 each saved in their banks, we'd take them with us to Build-A-Bear and let them each make their own.  

While it was something the kids enjoyed, I do not recommend ever taking 3 kids to both places in the same day.  Not even just 1 kid.  Talk about melt downs and overload. Sheesh.  At least the 3 new fury friends we brought home - Spiky, Francine, and Souley are happy and not fussy. ;)

Love from Texas!


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