Tonight I was on someone, I forget who's blog and saw in their side bar a link for Tips & Tricks and was currious and had to see what it was about. WOW - there is a ton of great information there... and one day when I have more time I may sit down with it all...
But tonight I tried out Tip & Trick #11 = Send Images Directly to Your Blog and wow was that ever easy!!! You'll see my proof in the next two posts below... and I didn't even notice until my revisting that they were BOTH POSTED at 9:08pm tonight!
Yep, you read that right! BOTH created and emailed and posted withing THE VERY SAME MINUITE! and I promise on what ever you want me to promise on - that I did NOT alter the time on those!!!!
You just have to try it out if you use blogger ;)
Love from Texas!

Thanks for the hint. I had just read that on blogger help, but haven't had time to try it. Now, I'll just follow your example and do it.