But this year... my FQ Bingo friends over on the HGTV board are doing something new this year... a lot of them are sending BBBBBBs!
Bingo Bonnie Bosom Buddies Bra Bucks! :0)
Isn't that awesome!!!?? I sure think so! They are so thoughtful to think of this special hostess appreciation gift (totally optional of course) but with $2 from one player, and $1 from another and an occasional $5 it really begins to add up. I'm saving and saving until all players are received before I go shopping... however I couldn't help but notice at Target that they had LOTS of bras priced under $15!!! Whoo hoo! No more $48 or more specialty bras for me ever again! LOL
I'm looking forward to not only getting new bras, but some blouses to wear to church and also even a BELT! Before my surgery, I didn't dare tuck in a shirt! ;) Not that I would have tucked in my shirt b/c since becoming a mom almost 5 years ago, I've spent 30 months (combined from Nora and Twins) nursing - and I had to be able to access the goods.. but any who, those days are LONG gone and now I can tuck in my shirt any time I want!!! oh and back to the bras... I'm excited about buying bras with MATCHING panties!!! Won't David be surprised and excited!!!**giggle*giggle*giggle**
But, back to the reason of this post... I don't post photos everyday of all the FQs arriving for FQ Bingo -I have a yahoo group (link in my sidebar) to do that on... but I did want to share this photo here on my blog tonight b/c it's from my friend Crazy'boutquilts. (the one I'm swapping My Blue Heaven blocks with)
So let's take a closer look at the items she included in her package....
So thanks Sandie for picking those up for me at the quilt show you went to!

I love all the hand written notes that come with the Bingo packages. They really make my day to read them, and see every one's hand writing.... and this year KNOCK ON WOOD, no one has yet to forget to include their dollars to cover shipping to the winners. ;) Last year I had about 9-10 have to send separately b/c they had forgot...
Crazy included an extra $5 for the BBBB - Thank you Sandie!!! :c)
You'll notice I purposely covered up some of the words on her note. ;) That's b/c she is sponsoring another player and I didn't want to reveal who. That is another fun feature I'm doing again this year - they can sponsor their secret sister - or any special friend on the board to play.. send in FQs for them -and I take care of the rest - emailing that special person bingo cards... and not telling who from :) It's fun!
And lastly, but not least - I bet you noticed it first thing - the My Blue Heaven Block!!! My first from Sandie! :) Isn't it so nice!
And those of you readers who have super good spotter eyes... you may have noticed the magazine to the far right in the top photo... yep, I broke down and bought a new magazine today at the grocery store.
There's been a lot of talk over on the HGTV board about this issue - click here for the thread on the discussion. :) and so I broke down and bought it. :) I just love the cover quilt.. and there's more than one hand bag pattern in this issue that I'd love to give a try to one of these days.
but not until after retreat of course! I have a growing list of things to do before I leave in April... and I'll save that list for another post another day ;)
So until then...
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