Monday, March 30, 2009
Blog-give-away Alert - Win 2 yards of fabric
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Time for swappin nickels again...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
When was your last annual checkup?....
"DUE" is an understatement - I can only remember taking it in ONCE in the 5 years I've had it for it's annual cleaning/maintenance... and that was the first year b/c when David purchased it they told him the 1st year's was free...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What is wrong with my Machine???
and the other project I had planed to complete tonight was:
2) Sewing together the backing for the Bento Box quilt that I'm mailing off for Joann's Quilter's Stimulious Plan Project. She emailed me tonight and said if I'd like to use varigated thread, to go ahead and mail it to her. Whoo hoo! :)
Last week I pulled it out and hung it up on the fence to take these photos and measure it. It measures 74 x 59.5” so it’s a good lap size quilt ;) The quilt is made from blocks I received when I hosted a month for the Sunshine Quilters off the HGTV board. They each made me 8 "quarter blocks" ( I purposly asked them not to sew the quarters together b/c I planned to mix them up) and they did and mailed to me and I pieced together 3 quilt tops. This is the second of the three and until now I haven't had access to a longarm quilter.
Thanks to Joann's project, it will be quilted for $12 plus cost of thread, batting and shipping. A great deal don't cha think? ;) Yeah, if I can get the backing pieced and ready to mail!
and this other photo was also taken last week the day I took the other photos... that is the binding around my neck like a scarf. I was trying to look cute like my cutie chick Olivia :)
Sure hope tomorrow my Bernina will sew!! If not I may be calling up my friend Heidi and asking if I can come over to use her machine...
Love from Texas!
Monday, March 23, 2009
A special gifty from a reader :)
Anyway, I occasionally share a photo or two here but for the most part I try not to crowd up my blog with all of that stuff - that is what my fatquarterbingo yahoo group is for - I share mail call photos over there each week. :)
But look at what the mail lady brought today!!! Somewhere in these packages is a package from a blog reader, Jessica who joined the HGTV boards recently and has become a first year FQ Bingo player! :)
Not only did she include some extra "bingo~bonnie Bosom Buddies Bra Bucks" (Thank you very much) but she also sent me some bright and pretty cutie pies for my newest collection....
New DMC Floss!! and plastic bobbin cards!!! Aren't these colors Beautiful!!! So springy! I love em!! :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
That quilt is darling!
Hi Bonnie.
Thank you for the submission of the Sunbonnet Sue block. That quilt is darling! We had several submissions for Sunbonnet Sue. This pattern has changed so much over time, we just didn't find the match we were looking for. Plus they were all so good, it would have been hard to pick just one! So we decided to not feature a
quilt from Sunbonnet Sue in the book.
Thank you for submission. If it ever comes up needing a Sunbonnet Sue quilt again, we'll come to you!
Happy quilting!
Marketing and Sales Manager
Kansas City Star
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A different kind of Stimulious Plan..
But here is one that I read and I'm so glad I did! I wnat to share with you about it... It's called
Joanne's Stimulus Package I'm so glad I opened and read about it when Candy in NC posted it to the quiltvillechat group ;)
For anyone who would love to get a quilt longarm quilted go to this link and read all about Joanne's Stimulus Package
and REMEMBER when you leave a comment tell her that you read about it here from
MY BLOG - Bonnie, at NapTimeNews! Thanks! ;)
Now I've gotta find that backing fabric for one of my quilts.... where oh where did I put it??
Love from Texas!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I love getting MAIL :)
But this year... my FQ Bingo friends over on the HGTV board are doing something new this year... a lot of them are sending BBBBBBs!
Isn't that awesome!!!?? I sure think so! They are so thoughtful to think of this special hostess appreciation gift (totally optional of course) but with $2 from one player, and $1 from another and an occasional $5 it really begins to add up. I'm saving and saving until all players are received before I go shopping... however I couldn't help but notice at Target that they had LOTS of bras priced under $15!!! Whoo hoo! No more $48 or more specialty bras for me ever again! LOL
I'm looking forward to not only getting new bras, but some blouses to wear to church and also even a BELT! Before my surgery, I didn't dare tuck in a shirt! ;) Not that I would have tucked in my shirt b/c since becoming a mom almost 5 years ago, I've spent 30 months (combined from Nora and Twins) nursing - and I had to be able to access the goods.. but any who, those days are LONG gone and now I can tuck in my shirt any time I want!!! oh and back to the bras... I'm excited about buying bras with MATCHING panties!!! Won't David be surprised and excited!!!**giggle*giggle*giggle**
But, back to the reason of this post... I don't post photos everyday of all the FQs arriving for FQ Bingo -I have a yahoo group (link in my sidebar) to do that on... but I did want to share this photo here on my blog tonight b/c it's from my friend Crazy'boutquilts. (the one I'm swapping My Blue Heaven blocks with)
So let's take a closer look at the items she included in her package....
I've never paper pieced before, but next month when I go on the Circle of Friends Retreat in Manchester, NH I'm signed up for a class for paper piecing. Crazy had mentioned in a email that she was going to a quilt show and hoped to buy some more of these she had used and love in the past at the show, and I replied back asking her to let me know how much they were b/c I'd like her to buy me some and mail.... I have no clue where I'd buy them here... and we all know I only get to visit my not so local LQS only once a quarter - and that's when I'm lucky! LOL
So thanks Sandie for picking those up for me at the quilt show you went to!
At the top - the fabric - you'll see her 10 FQs she sent in for 10 Bingo Cards for my upcoming game I'm hosting....and lookie what else! In the middle of the bottom row - it's hard to see - but she included a 1930's FQ for me! :) She and I both love 1930's... and we both requested 30's strings in her recent CYOC sting swap that she hosted... so TY for thinking of me :)
I love all the hand written notes that come with the Bingo packages. They really make my day to read them, and see every one's hand writing.... and this year KNOCK ON WOOD, no one has yet to forget to include their dollars to cover shipping to the winners. ;) Last year I had about 9-10 have to send separately b/c they had forgot...
Crazy included an extra $5 for the BBBB - Thank you Sandie!!! :c)
You'll notice I purposely covered up some of the words on her note. ;) That's b/c she is sponsoring another player and I didn't want to reveal who. That is another fun feature I'm doing again this year - they can sponsor their secret sister - or any special friend on the board to play.. send in FQs for them -and I take care of the rest - emailing that special person bingo cards... and not telling who from :) It's fun!
And lastly, but not least - I bet you noticed it first thing - the My Blue Heaven Block!!! My first from Sandie! :) Isn't it so nice!
There's been a lot of talk over on the HGTV board about this issue - click here for the thread on the discussion. :) and so I broke down and bought it. :) I just love the cover quilt.. and there's more than one hand bag pattern in this issue that I'd love to give a try to one of these days.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Progress on a New Project
This isn't a top secret thing or round robin... I just didn't want to show it on my blog until Crazybout'quilts received her package in the mail from me. I wanted her to see them in person first. :) And she emailed me yesterday and told me that my blocks for her had arrived!!! Yeaa! ...and she loves them! so Double Yeaaa! now I can share! :c)
I forget when it was actually, but a while back, (I think Dec. '08) Crazy and I came up with the idea to swap blocks just between us. We both wanted something scrappy and rather easy to make. I suggested the My Blue Heaven pattern only we are adjusting it to finish up at 8" instead of 12.
I took photos of my progress along the way.. and after seeing all the photos of neat and tidy stacks of projects in blogland, it really kept me on my toes to make my work neat and presentable too :P LOL
oops not such a neat photo - excuse all the clutter... but those large HST's already cut and ready to press are laid out pretty neat don't ya think? and that bowl to the left of them... well those were my OREO's until Nora spotted them and helped herself to them. :/
but then we decided on this second version - of making all of the larger HSTs out of blue fabrics with mixed white and cream backgrounds... ooough - even more scrap-OH-lishious!
and apparently while I was secretly making my blocks for her last week - she was also doing the same thing!!! Because when I emailed her telling her I had mailed her a little something she replied with a "me too." So my blocks from her should be arriving any day now!!! I can't wait to see them and share them with all of you.
Love from Texas!
Calling all Quilters
Today I received an email from Pickle Dish Home of Kansas City Star Quilts. They are the publisher of Bonnie Hunter's Book Scraps & Shirttails and because I ordered my book directly form them I get email updates from them from time to time.
I thought today's message I'd share here - perhaps you have a quilt that would qualify for their request - if so lucky you! The chance to be published and get a free copy. I'll let you read what the email said:
In May we are planning to release a book that includes a selection of 25 of
the first patterns offered to My Star Collection subscribers. The book, titled "My
Stars: Patterns from The Kansas City Star, Vol. I," will include redrafted
patterns that were published in The Kansas City Star newspaper sometime between 1928 and 1961.Each pattern will include templates, fabric requirements, and assembly
instructions, as well as the history of the block. But we’re missing one thing –
quilts made up of these blocks! That's where you come in!We're looking for quilts made up of these blocks to feature in the
book. If chosen, we'll ship your quilt here to be photographed,
and back to you. You'll receive a free copy of the book, and proper
credit will be given to you in the book!Click here for a complete list of the patterns we're seeking
quilts for. If you're interested in submitting a quilt, simply email me a
picture of it by responding to this email, or at If you're
interested in pre-ordering the book, click here
I took a look at the list of pattern they are looking for and I think I have one quilt pattern listed. Sunbonnet Sue, made by my Momma Newt that I'll send a photo of... ;) and maybe just maybe it will be accepted!? ;) oh wouldn't that make her happy in heaven to know that her quilt was published in a book!
I'd love to know if you submit a photo to be considered, and also what pattern.
Love from Texas!
Go ahead and Push my New Button :)
Anyway while looking around my fellow HGTV Quilters' blogs... I noticed on everythingquilts' blog page - she has this BUTTON in her sidebar!!! and thankfully I do know enough that I was able to copy it and save it to my side bar :) I've always wanted all of us HGTV'rs who also have blogs to have some way of being connected.. but I do not know how to start a blog ring - nor do I want to be in charge of starting one... so for now I just list other HGTV'rs in my sidebar hoping that will help me to remember to visit their blogs and maybe send them some traffic their way.
I do have many other blogs I frequent more often and are my favorites but I don't list them on my blog. I figure they each get more than enough traffic already... and if I started listing favorits the list would be a mile long. haha ;)
so I thought I'd share this post with all of you that if you hear me talk about the HGTV boards - now you will have a quick take me there button :) over to the right in my side bar.
I don't know who created it - but thank you! :)
EDITED TO ADD - I just read my comments and everythingquilts was the one who created the HGTV button and she's also created me a special on to link to my HGTV FQ Bingo Game.. take a look :) I've added it to my sidebar too. :) :) :)
oh I feel so special! THANKS everythingquilts!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
I even took a photo ;)The package says: EZ Quilting Washout Pencil Vlu-Pak #882669Grea for quilting, sewing and crafts. Washes out of most fabrics with water.
Three colors, red,white and blue in one package.
IMPORTANT: Always make a test sample on exact farbic to be sure markings will wash or brush off before proceeding. Do not iron fabric before removing markings.
I haven't tested it but I doubt I'll have any problems. I traced lightly on my light box and the markings are not very dark I doubt I'll ever notice any that don't wash out - and besides nearly 99.9% of my stitches cover them up anyway.
Oh, and I wish I could say for sure where they come from... I'm guessing they can be purchased at Joann's. I think I received them as a hostess gift as they were already in my sewing room ;)
Hope this helps you.
Love from Texas!
Did he see me? Did he see me not?
Anyway, the UPS man brought a box and I didn't even hear or notice him as he left the box just outside the kitchen/gurage door...
Maybe he DID see me and didn't knock on the door b/c he didn't want to embarrase me. LOL
Thankfully I saw it sitting by the door on my way out to take a #2 diaper out to the garbage can outside.
Lookie what was inside FQs from royalboomer. Thanks for the 2 extras, you know I love 30s!!! Can't wait to see what comes in the mailbox later this afternoon.....
Love from Texas!