aak where did the time go?? actually I forgot and then over the weekend I remembered but we weren't at home at the time... then needless to say once we got home I forgot again... oops.
well - wait no more! The winner is.... shoot the pic is too small to see..and I even sprayed over all the email addresses to protect everyone...
Well then, I'll just have to tell you...
I entered everyone in my spread sheet and for those of you who accepted the challenge and posted on your blog your before and afters... you got an additional 15 entries. I then asked my husband to pick a number between 1 and 174 and he choose 155... Congratulations katie z!!! :)
you can click over to her blog at http://zanasninis.blogspot.com/
Thanks everyone for playing along... I even accomplished other things around here that I hadn't thought to do in for evah!... and maybe sometime soon I'll post about it... as I took photos of those things too ;)
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