I bought for CYOC last week when all the cottons were on sale 50% off! My friend Heidi went with me after our kids were in bed and we felt like we stayed out all night long when they were standing at the door when we left at 9:10pm to lock it behind us. LOL ;)
EDITED TO ADD - the cutting lady wasn't too thrilled when I pulled up with my cart at the cutting counter just 10 minutes before closing.. and wanted 1/8 yard of all those floral fabrics... I did save them till last for her and started with the bigger cuts then found a way to have small talk and that way by the time we got to the florals she wasn't so p'Oed.. LOL
and I know "Bargain" is one of those bad words... but how could I pass up a 50% off sale? honestly most of what I purchased was for the CYOC string swap and I didn't have the colors/themes they choose.. so I "HAD" to buy. honest. only the top right photo was bought with no real project in mind...
Oh, and look what I found to bring home with me... a bolt of muslin (wasn't on sale but I used my 50% coupon for) - I didn't know KONA made muslin did you? Reg. $3.99/yard and it feels like BUDDA!
Felt a bolt by KONA that regular price sold for $12.99 and oh-my-goodness-it-was-BETTER-than-BUDDA!!!! Had to quickly put it back on the shelf before I got too carried away. LOL
Love from Texas!
SUPER-shopping.....and funny about all the 1/8's being cut so near to closing time!!!