Well as everyone knows I'm a swap hostess - last year for the minis each quarter... and the years before that I did monthly noodles.. nothing is on my agenda for a regular on going swap for 2009 -but I do have some quiltville/shirting block swap themes planned for later this summer but nothing really in the works right now.. just ideas.. ;)
So during my hosting break I am participating in two swaps. ..JUST TWO.. (I am a recovering swapaholic after all LOL) One of the two is for nickels, photo above. Easy peasy - everything in my stash was already washed & pressed. The hardest part was choosing 10.. so I choose 20! LOL This will be Nora's first time to be a swapper... They were mailed today and sometime in February, I'll get 200 different neutral nickels back!!! wooo hooo!
and the second swap I'm in - I've already shared here on my blog... it's the string block swap hosted by Crazy'boutquilts where everyone gets to choose their colors and everyone makes them 4 blocks and mails directly to them. Over on the HGTV board we call it CYOC for (choose your own colors)
above are some KNOA muslin foundation squares I cut up.. man I know I got a 50% off deal of $3.99/yard, but dang it, I just didn't want to cut into it - especially using it for a part that won't be seen or touched and IT FEELS SO GOOD!!! and the guidelines allow for any 100% cotton, but I don't' have time to wash and press anything else.. this was already washed up...
anyway, here they are my first 3 sets (12 blocks) ready to go with center strips and 1's strings..

anyway, here they are my first 3 sets (12 blocks) ready to go with center strips and 1's strings..
stay tuned for progress reports ;)
Love from Texas!
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