Isn't that a cute idea! ?? I love it. and she included two extra strings for me! How cool! I wonder if she's read my blog and how I la,la,love leftovers ;)
and now to the sewing part... but wait! First things first..Recently I was reading Leah's Blog and saw where she had changed hr needle and oiled her machine and had to confess - I don't know WHEN the last time I took off my stitch plate and gave my machine a good dusting.. and the last time I changed the needle was the last time it broke :P but no idea on when??? months?
aaahhh... that's better. and I don't know why I wait so long in between - it's not hard.. and actually the longest pat is walking upstairs to the sewing room and find the oil.
So today, Friday, I've had some sewing time in the dining room with the kids nearby watching videos. Take a look at these HST's ready for pressing and trimming.. I know the photo isn't large enough to tell - but i used striped fabric (the green) and as long as you make sure you sew 2 of them diagonal "one way" and 2 the "opposite" - matching up strips is never a problem!
see.. look below at those stripes.. two going up and down and two going side to side... Not good..
but if you made sure that you sewed half of your HST's one direction and the other two the OPPOSITE direction.. then all is good :) Just simply trade the top and one on the right with one another.. and...
ta-Da! all is perfect - ready to sew. Here below they are lined up with their background rectangles...
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