and the second thing I don't remember.... #2, was the last time I cleaned out my purse. How about you?
It's been forevah ago that I carried a purse every day eveywhere. Since becoming a mom, I've been carrying a diaper bag instead. there was a short time period that Nora was potty trained and before the twins arrived that I didn't have to carry a diaper bag.. but usually anywhere we went David was with us and so b/c he had his wallet on him I didn't carry a purse.
It's been forevah ago that I carried a purse every day eveywhere. Since becoming a mom, I've been carrying a diaper bag instead. there was a short time period that Nora was potty trained and before the twins arrived that I didn't have to carry a diaper bag.. but usually anywhere we went David was with us and so b/c he had his wallet on him I didn't carry a purse.
However lately I'm finding myself reattached to my purse! :) and no the twins have not potty trained yet, they are still in diapers - and we continue to take the diaperbag with us everywhere... or rather David carries it everywehre ;) so I can bring along my purse. ;)

So now that I'm back to carrying my treasured "bandanna purse" as David calls it - I noticed today that it was in a MAJOR need of cleaning out! I don't remember the last time I dumped everything out and really gave it a good going over...

I should have gotten a "before" photo looking into it while messy- b/c before, you couldn't even see the pockets MUCHLESS what was in them!
I've had this ole thing since before Nora was born. It is the only Vera Bradley purse I own. I do have several travel pieces that are "knock offs." A handful of them I bought at the grcery store on a sale promotion. We use this blue one that I got from the Dollar Store for just $5.00 to take along the babies' food. It's colorful and easy to spot on the restaurant table when I glance back to see if we left anything behind ;) Plus I love that it's washable!
I should have gotten a "before" photo looking into it while messy- b/c before, you couldn't even see the pockets MUCHLESS what was in them!
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