or at least I think I read about it in blog land... anyway laying there last night trying not to move a lot went thru my head... until I went off to sleep! Yes sleep!!! Anyone who's ever had an MRI is probably shaking their heads wondering how in the world? b/c they make you wear earplugs, and even then it is super loud and the knocks and buzzers in different patterns on and on and on... at one point I remember thinking man that sounds like a machine gun going off...
But I did - I fell off to sleep! So sound the tech had to touch my shoulder to wake me b/c I couldn't hear her calling my name (ear plugs) - this was just what I had been wishing for ever since before the twins were born! Several of my close friends have heard me joking say, "Man, I wish I could just fall into a coma for some uninterrupted sleep time of about 10-12 hours!"
10-12 may not sound like a big deal to you - but for me... especially last year when twins were very demanding on me.. and Paul Thomas NEVER slept longer than 2 or 4 hours his first 13 months of life...it was really wearing me down. I felt like the walking dead. So last night, getting to lay still with no stress of kids.. no wonder I fell sound asleep! :P An hour in that MRI felt like 4 hours of good rest. I didn't want to get up.
Well I didn't have my camera - so no visual to share with you. and hopefully I'll have some results and news about my knee in 3-5 business days...
anyway a post idea I had while in the MRI...
You know how the old saying goes... "A day late and a dollar short" Well how about a year late?! LOL Yep, this is a BOM from last year 2008 called "Quilter's Blessings"
Actually in my defence, I didn't even know this BOM existed until I discovered it about June last year... when I clicked on someones link to http://capricornquilts.blogspot.com/
The blog owner, Bea, was so nice when I left a comment on how cute her "Quilter's Blessings" blocks were that she and I were able to work out a deal and she emailed me all the previous months and then I revisited each month and downloaded the rest.
I set up a reminder in my MS Outlook email program calendar - which I highly recommend using for any BOM so you don't forget to go download it! Bea is also doing another BOM for 2009 called "Once Upon A Time" featuring Nursery Rhymes.. so cute.
Until last year when I saw the cute "Quilter's Blessings" blocks, I had never had the desire to learn stitchery... just wasn't my thing, didn't think I'd ever use it in my work... but they are sooo cute, that I knew I just had to learn! and even asked Santa for a light box so I'd have everything I needed! 
and lucky for me, my best girlfriend grew up stitching and offered to let me come over and sit and stitch with her so she could help answer my questions and get me started... we planned for me to go after her kids were in bed.. and so I didn't arrive until after 10pm. My MRI was at 8:20 and lasted an hour then I had a 30 minute drive back home... so I didn't get there until around 10pm.
Heidi and I had a great time chatting and catching up on holiday happenings with our children. Her oldest son, Jed is Nora's age and they are best friends too.. then she also has a 3 year old son, Eli, and her youngest, Ella was born just after the twins ;) Last year Heidi was Nora's preschool teacher but this year Nora goes to another school so I don't get to see Heidi as often. :( so her inviting me over was perfect! I hope we can plan another sit and stitch again soon. Her husband works shift hours so maybe another night that he has to work I can go visit after her kids are to bed.... only next time I will leave before 12:30am!
I didn't work on it any today although I did admire my work several times... and while eyeing it from across the room, I thought - GO GRAB THE CAMERA and take some photos while you have good day light - and write up a blog entry tonight ;) which I did.
Aren't you proud of me? I've never posted so much in a short time... not b/c I don't have things to talk about - I do. I just forget to share. I'm gonna work on that for 2009. ;)
I am so excited about having some handwork to take with me on the go. Now when I'm waiting to pick up Nora I'll have this to work on... Oh and that new magazine to look at too!!! Can't believe I finally found the latest issue that Bonnie Hunter is featured in... I had almost given u on that one.
Hello bingo~bonnie
ReplyDeleteBea's BOM was also my first stitchery. It was not difficult and I have had a lot of fun. You will love it.
I am looking forward your result.
Love from Germany.
Yes, MRI machines are loud!! but they can be very relaxing (I know! Weird!!) but you just fall into the zone and I am glad you slept!! And I hope your knee will be just fine.... I am also glad you are learing to stich!! that is one of my first hobbies, stiching - and at 13 I fell in love with cross stich!! Guess what I have just started to do again??? Yup, a really cute x-stich picture! BUT - I am only 'allowed' to work on it at night!! I have so many sewing/quilting projects on the go that I just can't devote all my time to stichin. But when I am done with the sewing during the day, I will let myself do what I fine so much fun to do, that hours can pass without me realizing it!!(that is also why I am only letting myself do it at night!! ;))
ReplyDeleteI managed to find the Quiltmaker too with Bonnie's story in it. And I like the quilt she has in there. I thought I might not get a copy, but there it was, I was very pleased!!
Take care of yourself, and I love to come on here and hear how your doing. Baby that knee!!! And I hope you manage to find some more sleep time - I can only imagine what life was like when the twins were tiny!! Only sleeping for 2-4 hrs at a time!!! You were probably doing alot of sleep walking while you were thinking you were awake!!!
Well, I am going to get back to my borders - coffee break is over and it's time to get back at it. I also want to x-stich tonight, + I have a guild meeting, so I had better keep keeping on!!!
Happy New Year!!
Hello, thanks for your comment on my blog, you can see all my BOM photos on my album "Broderies de la quilteuse" in the left and you can copy them if you want. I was inspired by photos in magazine. Happy stitching of France.
ReplyDeleteEven if it was a late night - it is always good to catch up with a girlfriend! Glad you had a good time and your stitchery is coming along very nicely! Cheers! Evelyn