Anyway I thought I'd go ahead and pot it and share with you my room. I love the big sewing areas I see around blog land. So since others share their mess, why not show you mine? ;)
This photo to the right was taken BEFORE my parent's visit before my surgery. What you see amongst all the mess is our 4th bedroom. The guest room / sewing room. (Although the dining room downstairs has also become the sewing room since the twins arrived)
The door to this room stays shut all the time to keep the kids out and if David saw it like this he would freak out. He already gives me so much grief over the dining room every day and night. It doesn't help that the dining room in in the center of the home and we pass by it a million times and that it doesn't have a door to close...I'm pretty sure if it did, he wouldn't remind me of my mess so often ;)
So back to the guest room...I did manage to get it all cleaned up and tidy before my Dad & Clara came for their visit. :)
I even spent a whole Friday afternoon while Diane (the Deacon's Daughter) came after school to watch the kids, cleaning OUT the closet in that room. I threw away 3 boxes of OLD fabric and I'm talking OLD.
These were taken the day that Dad and Clara arrived before they got here ;) Doesn't this view from the door look much more inviting than the previous photo?
Doesn't the dresser top look a little neater too? I'm not gonna give any details to how much dust was on top of that thing! LOL
The big basket use to sit on top of the dresser by cutting table... but it was such an eye sore that I made room for all of it in the closet. It holds a lot of my flannel pieces, used for making my famous "Bonnie Blankets" aka Timberland Throws... which I still have not forgotten about posting that tutorial I promised ages ago...
Also, while showing you this room, I'll add that I've always wanted to paint it but it's one of those things that David and I just can't manage to make the time to do. Perhaps on my Dad & Clara's next visit we'll break out the brushes.
I tried to search for interior paint colors to show you the shade of purple I'd like to paint... and this banner below was about all I could find to copy and paste into this post. Actually I'd like a little darker - more of a plum shade. The botanical bedspread has a purple in it and I think it would be nice.
I really like the next to last colors on both the left and the right the best. They remind me of the wall we had at the furniture store I once worked at.
However green is suppose to be calming... and I want my guest to feel calm while sleeping in there... so maybe a sage green? but so much of the downstairs is already Sage green. The kitchen and Dining Room...
There are a lot more varieties of green to choose from in the paint stores.. and this comforter has several different shades... but I've always wanted a plum purple since I worked at Ashley Furniture Homestore and we had a bedroom in purple.

Of course this isn't something at the top of my "To Do" list. I'll be lucky if any room is painted before this time next year! As it's nearly impossible with 3 small kids at home. We painted Nora's bedroom before we moved into this home. Well we were here sleeping on air mattresses until our furniture arrived.... and it was easy to put her pack-n-play bed in another room and paint on her bedroom during the night. She was only 11 months old at the time.
I do think I'll mention a painting spree idea with my Dad and Clara for their project to help with for their next visit... maybe they'll be up for babysitting kids for us while we work. I've had the bathroom paint colors for over a year and have yet to paint the kids bathroom... and also wallpaper boarder and a green paint for the bottom half of the wall for Nora's bedroom... again, had it for over a year. *sigh*
Guess I'll quilt dreaming now and get back to sewing! ;) which leads me... downstairs to the Dining room.... now that's another room waiting to be cleaned up! This photo doesn't show the half of it!
I always like seeing other people's sewing rooms. I posted about mine in December when I finally got in there to clean, paint, and spruce it up a bit. Thanks for stopping by to visit, come anytime. I've been here several times, just don't always comment. I have to say, I admire how much you accomplish, with or without 3 little ones!