Can you believe it is here already? It's time for the Whirl into Winter Blog-give-away!!!
In October I participated in Debbiequilts' Fall into Fall blog-give-away and had so many new visitors and it was so fun to read every one's answers to all the questions to all the blogs.. not just mine. What a fun way to get to know each other a little better.. :)
Last time I asked everyone what their favorite snack was... and this time I wanted to do something else, something more creative, something to get everyone moving.
ya know, that would help better each of my visitors...so I have been thinking and thinking.. what creative idea can I come up with for the Whirl into Winter... and I think I have come up with a good one..
So my question for you is - What is something that you absolutely DO NOT LIKE to do, but NEEDS to be done.... you know something that you have been putting off and putting off...and most likely you can't even remember the last time you did it...?
Well here at my house there are several things on that list, but this morning this is what I spent 15 minutes tackling... CLEANING MY STOVE TOP. not just a wipe down.. a real good take it apart and clean it right. :P
Just after cleaning the toilets in this house, this is one of my MOST UN FAVORITE things to do.. but don't worry, I'm not gonna share a photo of any of the three toilets in this house. :P
Boy doesn't it look so much better!? I don't even remember how long it'd been but I don't think I've done this task more than 3 times in the 3 years we've lived in this home.

So my question to you is what is it you have PUT OFF doing and haven't gotten done in a LONG time???
Now you don't have to clean your stove like I did - you can pick anything but because I am a believer in the Flylady's motto: "You can do anything for 15 minutes!!"
So what are you waiting for... you have a few days (between now and the 15th) to think of something and "GET 'ER DONE!" ;) But don't put it off too long!!!...and don't forget to come back and tell me so I can visit you for your show-n-tell :)
1 entry to leave a comment and tell what that is you've been putting off and about how long it's been (if you can remember)
I'll give you an additional 15 entries if you go and DO IT and post a pic on your blog showing that you "Got 'er Done!" But you have to notify me and tell me to come take a look at your blog ;)
To be eligible to win: You must be a US resident, and I must be able to contact you to let you know you won... so if you don't have your email entered in with your profile set up on blogger then leave it in the comment. ;)
Come on - don't click away from my blog - this will be fun! Think of it as a group effort to start the new year off right! :)
You will be so happy with yourself for doing it and you can start the new year off right by being productive! :) Who knows.. it may be just the kick start you need to take it further.. (totally optional of course LOL) Other ideas for me to accomplish - dusting those ceiling fans.. cleaning out the garage...
I used just 3 things to get my stove top clean.
1. Lysol Dual Action Cleaning Wipes
2. Soft Scrub for the stubborn grime around the cracks
3. and Good old fashioned elbow grease :P
So what are you waiting for... you have a few days (between now and the 15th) to think of something and "GET 'ER DONE!" ;) But don't put it off too long!!!...and don't forget to come back and tell me so I can visit you for your show-n-tell :)
Oh, and I almost forgot to share with you what it is I am giving away...
So alright everyone.. TIME TO COME CLEAN! :P Who's with me?
EDITED TO ADD = Congratulations to the winner katie z :)
Can't believe I'm the first one to comment....
ReplyDeleteThe plastic container cabinet. I can't remember when the last time was that I clean and organized it, but I know it needs to be done since I was looking for a bowl to put leftovers in and had a hard time locating...
I really should go to the dentist but I'm not going, no matter what prize you try to bribe me with.
ReplyDeleteWashing all of the windows on the outside, but that still isn't happening!
ReplyDeleteHa...I love the dentist post as that's ME, too, but I'll put something else (as I have a LOT of things that I put off). I really need to get into the closets and drawers and under the sinks and get RID of things. We moved here just about 5 years ago and things were SO nice when we moved in...and now I have things all overloaded again. I need to get a LOT of stuff out of here. Since I know there is not a snowball's chance in you-know-where that I'll get all the closets drawers and under-the-sink cabinets cleaned and photographed for your blog, I guess I'll have to be satisfied with ONE entry, won't I?? (Unless I got and get out the photos from when I first moved here and the closets and drawers were in FINE shape....LOL....nah...that would be cheating!!!)
ReplyDeleteAll right now, that makes me want to go home and clean my stovetop. I did run the oven cleaning cycle a couple days ago, so this would be a great time. The part that I dislike the most is cleaning those things that are under the burners. So, cleaning the stove is my chore that I keep putting off.
ReplyDeleteDone and pictures posted...
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, your stove looks great now! And I love the black drip pans!! My least favorite chore...cleaning the bathroom in the basement. It's out of sight and out of mind, so when I do get to it, it's a mess! Besides the fact that my hubby uses that bathroom and comes in from work filthy dirty and tends to leave a mess as he goes. No chance of me showing before pictures even if I do get around to cleaning it...it would be too embarassing! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)
ReplyDeleteLet's see...what can I do on my list in 15 minutes?? Sewing Room - no, that's more like 15 hours. The lazy susan with all our plastic bowls and things...under the sinks in any of my bathrooms. I'll will get something done and let you know.
ReplyDeleteBe quicker if I could tell you something I finally got around too - like dumped out silverware drawer and cleaned/sorted:) Stove needs cleaning - you want to do mine next?
ReplyDeleteTime to wash the floors. I've been quilting instead! And I need a new mop. {grins} I think you managed creative...or too much information from all of us?!
You and I - I hate to clean the stove! I mean I do wipe it off - but, to get in there and really scrub it down - no...and what makes it worse is that my top does not lift...
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I need to clean out my closet in my bedroom! I can not even get into it. The clothes in there have not been worn for at least 2 years, as that has been how long since I have looked in it. I might try the fifteen minutes a day in there! lol
ReplyDeleteCouldn`t hurt.
Congrats on getting your stove done!!
For me it's filing papers, bills, receipts, all the tons of paper we have to keep. There is a big pile on the desk that I haven't touched in about 8 months. For some reason my husband thinks it's my responsiblity but I think it should be his so we both try to ignore it, then we can't find something we need and we both get mad at each other.
ReplyDeleteFamily politics - so much fun.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I need to clean out my work storage area in the basement. I have put it off for 4 months.
ReplyDeleteLOL! What a hoot!
ReplyDeleteIt's dusting for me. I actually dislike unloading the dishwaher more, but that's not something I can put off for months ;-). Back to dusting (or the lack of), my motto is, "You can write your name in it. Just don't write the date!"
I'll have to think about posting a picture on my blog. That would mean I'd actually have to DO it...
Tracy In SW WA
It's a toss-up around here. I can't decide whether I hate cleaning the oven more, or taking everything out of our old chest freezer and defrosting it. I know I've done the oven in the last year, but I don't think I've done the freezer for a good five years.
Well, actually, I have several....how much time do you have???
ReplyDeleteI would have to say cleaning the shower walls and tub is one I really hate. I put it off, I will clean the bathroom, and say I will do the shower later...but later does not come. I just hate this task...
Fun giveaway!
smelkoski (at) yahoo (dot) com
Hmm we rent a house and the stove had problems and the oven element blew up and started on fire- and the guy is being a pisser about fixer so I unplugged it and left the fire extingusher fumes stuff in it and he gets it when we move- I have a wonderful convention/oven/microwwave that I love dearly and bought because I was tired of service men telling me I need to learn to warm up the burners- yep I don't know how to cook-uhhuh- the belly on my hubs is from beer- nope its not..oh well want to get motivated to call and get the stove replaced
ReplyDeletePapers...a pile of papers I have put in a box....mmmm maybe a couple boxes...hate the sea of paper. I hate going through papers and trying to find them a home.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great giveaway.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Gosh. Hard to name just one :) Guess I'll choose organizing the years of photos in boxes. Could also be the filing of household papers. Thanks for your giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI am going to have to go with the deep cleaning of the stove as well.
ReplyDeleteCleaning bathrooms is right up there on the list of things I don't like to do, along with the stove, kitchen sink, fridge, pretty much anything that is not crafty and creative! But it all gets done eventually and that makes the time I spend crafting even more enjoyable!
I really need to clean off my computer desk! 15 minutes would probably do it!
ReplyDeleteI was going to say empty the dishwasher, but that is too easy. I guess it might be cleaning my floors. I hate to do that! I don't know if I will get apic posted, but I will try. I am from Texas too and I do hate to let a fellow Texan down.
ReplyDeleteI need to get my office organized! I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, but I know I'd feel better if I just did it.
I need to go through all the food cabinets and medicine cabinet and check dates on items that slid to the back and didn't get used in time.
ReplyDeleteYour stove looks great! I couldn't use that one since my stove is new and doesn't need cleaning "yet" :-)
Cleaning stuff would be a good answer but I am going with what I have put off the longest...going through those "last few boxes" that I packed over TEN years ago. (and TWO moves!!!)
ReplyDeleteThere are things to be thrown, things to be sent on to my kids, and things that need to be put out on display or given away! I hate organizing this last little bit of 'stuff' in my life. blah! lol
sewangelic at sbcglobal dot net
I need to shread papers. You know the kind - credit card offers, old utility bills, stuff you don't want others looking thru. I put it all into a basket until I get it shredded. Will admit that I got a larger basket a couple of months ago, yes its be awhile. Looking at the postmarks on the bottom of the pile, they are from July 2008, yes 7 months. What so bad, most will still be in the basket when July comes around again.
ReplyDeletecleaning the ceiling fan in our great room. it is a vaulted ceiling and i have to go out to the garage and get the step ladder to reach it. i remember the last time i did it---i fell and hurt my knee and had to have surgery....not good...
ReplyDeletesorry--i'm not going to be able to do it now either....
The job I absolutely hate the most is cleaning the BLINDS!!!! UGH Thank You for your give-a-way gifts. NanaBarto@aol.com
ReplyDeleteI should have defrosted my freezer for months now, but I've been putting it off. We had a couple of cold days, so that I could have kept frozen stuff outside, but today is warmer, so I simply just can't do it!!!
ReplyDeleteAgneta i Sweden
I hate to do any cleaning!!! It just gets in the way of my quilting. OH - know how I fixed the cleaning stove thing ........ I went out and bought a ceramic top stove ........ no more pulling things apart - all the gunk in right on top of the stove - you have to clean it in order to cook on it!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am going to clean the kitchen table. No one eats there so I haven't seen the table top in months. I figure 25 minutes will have it all done (have to sort the papers otherwise it would be a lot faster).
ReplyDeleteHi please enter me in your bog give a way. The thing I need to get done is finish painting the bathroom. I started months ago and can not finish it. Thanks Sandy
Embrassing as it... mopping and waxing my kitchen floor. I do remember when I did it last but it gets so yucky in the winter with all the sand, snow, and just plain dirt that collects on it. It just grosses me out. Maybe this will motivate me to get it done sooner rather than later---
ReplyDeleteI don't normally mind doing housework, but the one thing I cannot stand doing is wiping down the baseboards throughout the house. I think it's because that was my job as a kid and there was no getting out of it. LOL Now I'm old enough to get out of it, I guess!
ReplyDeleteI have been putting off shampooing the carpets. I have my own rug shampooer, but haven't used it in about 2 years. Believe me, it's more than a 15 minute job! Thanks for entering me in your drawing.
I love to clean a stove top!! I really dislike cleaning a shower...mine is in need. I am suppose to do a deep clean on it once a month, but I have skipped a month now and then cause I really dislike it. It is way more than a 15 minute job and the cleaner fumes are awful!
ReplyDeleteOh, that's easy.....organizing the closets....it's so easy to just shut the doors......*S*
ReplyDeleteHappy 2009!
cleaning the stove/oven up- at least the top to make it presentable- (is there a secret to cleanining or a secret ingredient- oops I saw you toossed and bought new!) you know whoever wants to come clean them is welcome to drop by- I will make cheesecake and you can clean.
ReplyDeleteOkay Bonnie, I DID IT! Didn't get to the medicine cabinet in 15 minutes, but did the food closet. Yuck, pancake mix dated Oct. 2007!
ReplyDeleteThanks for getting me in gear to do this! I posted on my blog.
Organizing the garage!!!
ReplyDeletecontact me at:
Cleaning out the refrigerator. It's not really dirty or anything, but I believe that it should at least be cleaned every once in a while, I just hate having to take everything out and all.
Organizing the attic. - it's hot and dusty...yuck.
I've been avoiding cleaning the oven. It's old and cranky...
Defintely filing paperwork is what I always dread doing. Thanks for the encouragement to tackle it.
ReplyDeleteslrdowney at hotmail dot com
Aloha! I absolutely DETEST cleaning out my walk-in pantry! I have lots of my crafting stuff, Christmas decorations,etc in there & boy! Is it crammed in! I do need to get to it soon, because I can barely get in there! LOL
ReplyDeleteThanks for entering me in your giveaway!
The worst job is the pantry - by FAR!!! It is huge and in dire need of cleaning out. I would be much too embarrassed to even show a picture of it before but it is on the "to do" list this month. AND...it cannot be done in 15 minutes.
ReplyDeleteCleaning the refrigerator - yuck! - moldy old food and stuff that spilled and stayed there getting sticky and icky. I'll do it... one of these days.
ReplyDeleteDentist, Doctor appts. Bloodwork, all overdue. Sigh! Organizing the basement. Sigh!
ReplyDeleteWhat do I put off and hate doing? Scrubbing litter boxes and power washing cat cages - yes, I show cats, and hate that job. Thank you for the opportunity. Dee - jessibir@hickorytech.net
ReplyDeleteI put off cleaning out the frig. It is easy. I dont know why really... Thank you for sharing. I am hostessing also.
ReplyDeleteHi-Thanks for the chance to win! I dislike organizing craft items although I should so I know what I have!!! Hugs Kay M. petking@vcn.com
ReplyDeleteha! nice try, One entry will do me fine, I'd rather not run aND CLEAN IT! that is my closet! I will clean my whole house before I clean my closet. I've heard that that means something about my self, but oh well... ;-)
ReplyDeleteUgh! The stove and the fridge both need a good cleanout.
ReplyDeleteI need to organize my pantry
ReplyDeleteI always put off cleaning the toilets and tubs. It eventually gets done before too long, but it's always the last thing. LOL
ReplyDeleteThanks for entering my name!
cleaning my room...i feel like a kid! lol
ReplyDeleteOh. . . lets see . .. . . could it be the 10 storage tubs of stuff accumulated at my desk downstairs that I tubbed up so my DH and DS could recarpet my office ? Now it looks so nice and neat down there that I just hate to think of trying to sort through those tubs and bringing most of it ( well maybe only SOME ) back down here. Maybe the longer I live without it, the less I can live with ? HOWEVER I am sick of it all in the living room ! I am making myself do at least a tub a day though.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway, and the good blog read ! Hope you entered mine !
Cleaning up my daughters' toys in our living room. They live behind the couch, so it's easy to just toss things back and not clean up! Come check out my blog because I'm going to clean it up now.
ReplyDeleteCleaning my closet. And would you believe that's exactly what I have planned for this afternoon! But... I think I will sacrifice the extra points because no way would I want anyone to see a picture!
ReplyDeletei hate unloading the diswasher
ReplyDeleteGetting a mammogram, I am 2 years behind.
ReplyDeleteI haven't cleaned out my hard drive in the LONGEST time! It is such a pain to sit there and be bored and look at files but I know it needs done. Gah!
ReplyDeleteI'm not copying you, but I do need to clean my oven and stove top...esp the oven. I spilled liquid from a casserole all over the oven door (inside not out thank heavens). Now that was 3 weeks ago???? THis is a 1940's stove; propane/wood combo with all the white porceline, chrome and cast iron...not an easy task, but I will get 'er done this week. I don't have a blog to post to anyway, so won't go for the extra entries. Thanks for the kick in the pants!
ReplyDeletegot to go along with the get the mammogram, YIKES i too am late with this...warmheartthunder@yahoo.
ReplyDeleteOkay. I did it. There's a blog post and photographic proof. I feel faint...
ReplyDeleteA Challenge and a Bit of Heaven
Tracy in SW WA
Ugh, the medicine cabinet. Yuck. Thanks for a super giveaway!
ReplyDeletejjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com
LOL fun prize! show me the money! Well I need to de-cobweb all over my ceilings BADLY omg. I am late entering so no time to get er done! I haven't been to your blog in a long time I will poke around and see how big your babies are getting! xoxo melzie
ReplyDeleteI like to win your Give away, but Why you only like US Residents? Here is the world wide webe where you can make Friends?? I find it sad.
Greeting Guilitta from Germany
I just wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and to say I have moved on to other trouble spots and I think I will take the before and after pic. It is really inspiring when you can see what was and what now is.
ReplyDeleteGuilitta, Thanks for visiting my blog – I do not like only US Residents – actually, just last Spring, one of my Fat Quarter Bingo winners was located in Canada.
ReplyDeleteCall me lazy, or pressed for time, but the MAIN reason I said US only this time - is b/c where I live we had a major hurricane in Sept 2008. Hurricane IKE destroyed our whole downtown area… including our post office. They do have a temporary trailer they are using in my town but all 600+ PO Box holders have to stand in line for their mail b/c they still have not installed locks on the temporary mail boxes in that trailer. Standing in line there is HORRIBABLE!
And b/c you may be new to my blog – let me also note that I have 3 small children ages 4 and under and dragging them out to go wait in line for a hour or more is not something I want to do… nor is driving 30 minutes (one way) to an out of town post office to have weighed for shipping or additional charges to mail out of country. I do go to the town next door when shipping my mini 9 patch blocks, but that is only once each quarter.
So you see, this is why I choose a prize ($15.00 cash) that I can simply place in a standard size envelope, place one stamp on and walk out to my own mailbox here at home and call it DONE :c) I hope you understand and will revisit my blog again sometime.
Love from Texas! -bonnie
no more NEW comments following this one will be added to my drwaing. I am postponing my drawing unitl Friday - I need a little more time to verify those of you who accepted my challenge and "Got er DONE!" and posted on your blog for the additional 15 entries.
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for a great response to my give away :) ~bonnie